Sunday, July 27, 2008


Here's an update on my zombie I'm working on.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Here's what I've been working on. I did a little photo collage in Photoshop. Unfortunately some of the works came out a bit distorted but you get the idea. These are going to be in a show next month at Chrysalis Gallery in Southampton, NY. I'll get individual images soon.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Long time no see...

Please excuse the delay in posts. Things have been on hiatus due to losing our camera and just being plain busy. Nonetheless, I've purchased a nice Cannon Powershot 1100 that takes awesome pics! I'll be posting some new stuff soon. In the meantime I have an in progress image of a 30x40 zombie I'm doing for Gallery 1988 in L.A. It's going to be in their show "Crazy4Cult". It's over 100 artists doing their take on cult movies. My piece is my homage George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. It's called "Neccesite Mas Cerebros!"It's one of their biggest events with a lot of media coverage. I'm REALLY excited to be part of this show. This will be my fourth or fifth time showing at 1988. They put on some really awesome shows. Check em out: