Friday, December 7, 2007


Here's a new figure I recently finished. It is one of a series of four 22x28 canvases. I felt that I was a little more successful with the figure/ space relationship than the last grouping. It is a challenge to deal with this relation without being too literal and descriptive, or the opposite for that matter.

I recently read a great passage from a book that sums things up pretty well, "The truth is that the piece of art which seems so profoundly right in it's finished state may earlier have been only inches or seconds away from total collapse." Boy isn't this the truth. Unfortunately, I tend to wallow on the latter side.


Mad William said...

Total collapse...that's me.

Very nice work.
Thanks for the mirror tip. I can't wait to try it out.

keep3 said...

Wow! nice figure!

Fear of total collapse and wallowing, isn't that a part of making exceptional art?

keep it up!

Unknown said...

wow man, just wow! exquisite style!

Anonymous said...

gonzales you need to do more figures. for real